By Alyssa Johnson
Mon, 14-Sep-2020, 08:36

Approaching / Continuing Online Learning With A Positive Mindset - As Parents 

Approaching / Continuing Online Learning With A Positive Mindset - As Parents 

The drastic changes have been challenging for most. 
Firstly - It is okay to not be okay. Many are struggling with adjusting and learning how to operate the various platforms. 

Secondly , keep all lines of parent-child communication open. Many children are just as frustrated as you are about the various changes. Remember to give them reassurance daily and allow them to take short breaks between assignments. 

Staring at a screen for too long can become frustrating , encourage your child to glance away every 10-15 minutes for atleast 30 seconds before returning to the screen. 

Encourage students to play and engage in recreational activities outside of classes. This helps to reduce stress and restore a sense of normality in their daily lives. Many have become so depressed and despondent due to the restrictions that they have lessened their recreational activities. 

Encourage your child/ren to express their concerns . 

Encourage your children to try online study sessions with their close friends and classmates. This can be done via whatsapp or zoom where they simply go over notes together ,  ask each other questions related to the subject or simply share ideas. 

These are just a few ways in which you can approach online learning with your child/ren. 

Feel free to reach out to us via email t*******************@y*****.com or whatsapp *******3589 for further support or assistance as you navigate online learning. 

"You are not here to exist ; you are here to excel" - Deborah Jean-Baptiste Samuel.

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